Saturday, December 9, 2006

CPR...Kinda Cool

Completed the CPR course today with my wife Sheri, Katie and a former colleague Mark Lammert.

Interesting story Mark, he would have been the 3rd partner of ours as we started the company but he got cold feet at the end and stayed on the safe course. Too bad, he didn't look like his career is fulfilling him.

Anyway, had a very nice time with Sheri and Kates and learned a bunch about primary care and first responder elements. Captain Smith of Valley Park was the instructor. Very good guy, knows his stuff and super accomodating.

Finished in about 6 hours, took the test and now all we await is our cards.

This stuff is kinda fun.

But, the most important and best thing about today is that it's Kimmy's 19th birthday. She's out with all her buds and going to the Blues game tonight (our insurance guy gave me 4 tickets yesterday for her birthday...thanks Myles!).

Kimmy's a great young lady. Looking forward to spending a bunch of time with her this winter as she's employed at HV in rentals. Last year she was in the ticket booth but I think she wanted a little more action . . . and she'll get it. Rentals is always hopping - gonna be cool!

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