Tuesday, December 5, 2006

He Ran Over My Daughter...!

In a recent event, the father of an 8 year old snowboarding girl was tossed in jail for having taken out his anger on the young man that ran over his daughter, on the hill in Vail.

More details at the link to the story . . . and here's my take on this, originally posted at Epicski.com:


Originally Posted by ragin' cajun' View Post
Someone explain to me what I'm missing and not understanding here. A little girl, 8 years old, is run over by a drunken boarder. Her father hits this bum. And he is wrong????????

Yes, the father is wrong...period, end of story.

In our civilized society, we are supposed to be able to climb above the animalistic, jungle-based instincts that led us from the muck, to the swamp, to the land and then to eventually walk upright. A thinking human being has to be able to overcome their base instincts or else we'd have pure anarchy.

So, yep, darned right...the father's wrong.

Let's also consider this, his 8 year old daughter just got shredded by a complete and total ass of an irresponsible boarder. That this guy's even allowed on slope is a mystery, but that's a completely other discussion. So, isn't the guys first reponsibility to his daughter to make sure she's ok? Doesn't he call to the boarder, to passersby, to the patrol, to anyone to render assistance for her? Isn't that what a responsible father needs to be doing at this point? Or, just because it "feels good to rail on the guy", we applaud Dear Old Dad for 'evening the score' and taking his and rightfully all of our rage out on this terd of a human being.

No, dad's wrong in this one and for many, many reasons.

Does Colorado have a conceal/carry law? Would this have ended more tragically had the dad shot the offending boarder? Would any of us have blamed him? Would he be any less "wrong"?

Believe me, I'm no mamby-pamby when it comes to this type of stuff, you should have heard me when my daughter was intentially thrown at during a softball game this past summer...ballistic? You betcha. Violent, not a chance.

My first responsibility was to my daughter;
Then, to my wife who was apopleptic;
Then, to the umpire who was kicking the pitcher out of the game;
And then, back to my daughter. Should I have gone up and punched the kid, the parents, the coach, the ???

Absolutely not, I was tempted, believe me, but we can't have this in a civilized society, period.

Look around the world at society's that permit this and tell me that's what you want. Not a chance; keep your hands to yourself and keep your children protected.

Yup, Dad was wrong and he deservers everything coming to him. __________________

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